
Greece is a country with a particularly rich and ancient history. 

The Classical Period of Greece History (6th -4th centuries BC) was the Golden Age and the most famous world wide; during this period lived the greatest philosophers and mathematicians.

Greece is a country of a great and diverse culture influenced by its place at the junction between the East and the West and by the many occupations endured by the Greek people throughout history, on mainland and the Greek Islands.

Greeks are particularly proud of their culture and stick to it with particular passion, feeling that their culture is a definition of their national and ethnic belonging. Traditions, religion, music, language, food and wines are the major composants of Greece Culture and constitute.

The cuisine of has influences from Italian, Balkan and Middle Eastern cuisine. Greek cuisine incorporates fresh ingredients into a variety of local dishes such as moussaka, stifado and spanakopita. Throughout people often enjoy eating from small dishes  Too much elaboration is generally considered to be against the hearty spirit of the Greek cuisine.

Decorex's Inspirational Theatre 

What a pleasure it was to present at the Decorex show this year! Reworking the Sunday lunch by creating wonderful food with Simonsberg cheese and styling the table in a effortless and affordable manner. I showed the audience how to wow your guests with easy and affordable decor.

Although this was very stressful, as we have never done something like this before, we enjoyed it very much! It was great that the audience came and spoke to us afterwards. It seems like people liked what we did!

Errieda du Tiot wrote a very flattering article about us at Decorex, which was published in Burger. Other than that, here are some beautiful photo's, taking by the very talented Roxy, of our Decorex presentation. The food was beautifully prepared and demonstrated by Cara, while I did the table styling for our Modern Sunday lunch!